

Since the inception of Sutantu, We are having very healthy relationships with our partners which has helped Sutantu in becoming what Sutantu is today. Our success and our growth is mainly because of partners. Our partner network comprises of individuals and organizations from all over the world.

If you have opportunities and access to markets and willing to take advantage of Sutantu's services, skills and excellent reputation, please contact us and get in touch with us immediately. We are looking forward to have an long term mutually beneficial association with you.

Following are the types of association / partnerships you can have with Sutantu as an Individual or Organization:

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Suitable For How it works
REFERRAL This is best for individuals who have access to market opportunities. If you've some market opportunity - contact us and discuss how you can take advantage of it.
RESELLER A person or organization who is expert in business development and networking and are interested to capitalize some of their relations. If you are good at sales but new in IT sales, you can build you own business by taking advantage of Sutantu's brand and it's established infrastructure.
FRANCHISE Entrepreneurs who are interested in taking advantage of long list of relations but not interested or do not want to invest in setting-up development center. If you are good at sales, you can build you own business by taking advantage of Sutantu's brand and it's established infrastructure.
MASTER RESELLER A person or already established business who is confident in bringing more resellers and franchisee. Help Sutantu become established in your region or country.
PLATINUM PARTNER A person or business who wish to expand the scope of their existing services by adding, those offered by Sutantu in their own name. Sutantu will provide products & services to your clients under your brand name.

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